Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Two Kinds of Histories

For all of history's five millennia human timeline, most were ignorant of their true ancestral history, why empires conquered illiterate cultures. History was secret by virtue of illiteracy. A 15th-century European technology changed that. Printed books finally gave true voice to persecuted, erudite, self-thinking heretics. They, their schools, and their mass-produced books gave rise to modern thinking, new ideas, and literacy for the masses. Consequently, the world slowly began changing for the better. And it's because of literacy, two kinds of histories existed since the 16th-century - to maintain servitude by ignorance. Empires must maintain their illusions to survive at any cost!





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Monday, December 25, 2023

Becoming Acquainted With Elizabeth

Elizabeth Bathory is a substantial historical somebody, but making an acquaintance with Elizabeth is a confrontation with one's ignorance. It is not something to be ashamed of. Everyone is ignorant of many things. But shedding ignorance can be a dangerous pursuit, especially if one's goal is genuine "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."





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Friday, December 22, 2023

About That Portrait

Today, Elizabeth's true memory is only preserved in art, private archives, some public and secret archives, by a few who still remember her, and by an even fewer who still remember their ancestors. We remember! The original master portrait of Countess Elizabeth Bathory created in 1580, by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort is the rarest, one of a kind masterpiece.





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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Do Not Misunderstand Me

This is my first article for the Journal, and as the owner of the 1580 Elizabeth Bathory Portrait and the Journal, I fully intend to write many more articles. But, because of a lack of appropriate context, people are prone to formulate presumptive opinions of others, which I'd like to avoid so as not to be misunderstood. So, know something of me. An outline of our ignorance always frames the beginning of an acquaintance, after all.





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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

About The Journal

An outline of our ignorance always frames the beginning of an acquaintance. We acquaint you with the real historical Elizabeth Bathory, her history, and yours. Our publication gives voice to Elizabeth and history's anonymous many. But, what exactly do we write about, and who writes it? Who created this journal?





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